Wuhu Naide Rubber Hose Valve Co., Ltd.

Tianjin to strengthen the safety supervision of a large petrochemical enterprises

Source: 本站 Author: govland Published on: 2015-04-13 22:34 Number of views: 1857
 Of the new network information Tianjin Administration of Work Safety Bureau recently held a forum on the work of production safety of the city's large petrochemical enterprises, informed of the pitfalls and problems found in the recent safety inspection, and safety control of the large petrochemical companies specifically requested. Zhu Jin central enterprises and state-owned enterprises of petrochemical industry of Tianjin Petrochemical, China and Saudi Arabia (Tianjin) Petrochemical 12 production safety person in charge attended the meeting.
     Tianjin Administration of Work Safety Bureau deputy director of WEI Qing-song of the handling of the Office of the State Security Committee of China National Petroleum Corporation-owned enterprises in Dalian "7.16" pipeline explosion fires and other accident. At the same time, combined with the Dalian oil pipeline explosion, the grim situation facing the safe production of large-scale petrochemical enterprises in Tianjin.
     Tianjin Administration of Work Safety Secretary Zhang Shishan stressed the city's large petrochemical enterprises should conscientiously draw lessons from the accident to grasp the hidden rectification to ensure safety. At the management level should strive to achieve legalization, standardization and modernization; strictly enforce state laws and regulations and the standards, production and business activities of regulate business, high technology and modern management tools to do the safe production work. Level of security technology, to achieve the systematic, safe and high-end. To strengthen the monitoring of large-scale key device key positions and major hazards, to ensure that no serious accidents.
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